The manner in which evidence is stored and protected can often mean the difference between conviction and acquittal. With this in mind, SIRCHIE® introduces the integrity evidence bag. These all-in-one bags are waterproof, tear- and puncture-resistant, printable and include a tamperproof seal. No other evidence bag offers greater integrity, security and convenience. Made of heavy-duty, 3.2-mil-thick, multilayer, coextruded polyolefin film. IEB9120 9" x 12" Evidence Integrity Bags in sets of 100 and 500.
All IEB Series Bags are now individually numbered and bar coded!
All IEB Series Bags are now individually numbered and bar coded!
The manner in which evidence is stored and protected can often mean the difference between conviction and acquittal.
These all-in-one bags are waterproof, tear and puncture resistant, printable and include a tamperproof seal. No other evidence bag offers greater integrity, security and convenience. Made of heavy-duty, 3.2-mil-thick, multilayer, coextruded polyolefin film. The 9" x 12" size is prefect for securing 8 1/2" x 11" unfolded sheets of paper.
No. IEB9120 bags are 9" x 12" and sold in packs of 100 each.
All IEB Series Bags are individually numbered and bar coded!
Save by buying No. IEB9120 in bulk (5 packs of 100 each.) No. IEB9120CS
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