EZID Stainfree Footwear Impression System


The new EZID™ system consists of a pre-impregnated stain free pad and pre-sensitized impression cards. More than 200 footwear impressions can be taken from a single EZID™ stain free pad. And since no ink is visible on the surface it is applied to, no cleanup is necessary. Plus, the reverse side of the impression cards are printed with an impression evidence report for recording all pertinent information. The EZID400 kit is the ideal tool for use in the crime laboratory, at the crime scene and is excellent for elimination of prints at crime scenes! It is simple to use and can record even the smallest details of wear and tear found on footwear. The most outstanding feature is that there is no messy cleanup after impressions are taken.


1 - EZID402 Pre-Impregnated Inkless Impression Pad, 6.75" x 16.75" (good for 250 impressions)

1 - EZID402C Preprinted Inkless Shoe Impression Cards, 5.5" x 16.5", 200 per pack

1 - KCP212 Molded Polypropylene Carrying Case, 17.5" x 7.75" x 2.5"

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