BlueStar Training Tablets, 4 each

Train your investigators to presumptively identify blood at a crime scene while saving money! BLUESTAR Forensic training tablets react the same way as regular BLUESTAR tablets but the “Training” version destroys DNA. An ideal product to train crime scene investigators while cutting back on training expenses. Each pack provides the instructor with the possibility to prepare 8 times 125 ml (4 oz) of BLUESTAR® FORENSIC working solution or 1L (32 oz) at once. Preparation: To prepare the working solution, you will need to dissolve a pair of tablets (white + beige) in 125 ml (4 oz) of tap water in a bottle equipped with a fine mist atomizer. If you need more reagent, use several pairs of tablets at once. Learn how one department trained its investigators to photograph blood with BLUESTAR in this blog post. Contact us today to get access to our webinar: “Searching for Blood: Essentials of Using Luminol & BLUESTAR"

TABLETS – 4 APPLICATIONS especially designed for training crime scene technicians.

This version of BLUESTAR® Forensic is intended only for training purposes. It has the same packaging and number of tablets as the BLUESTAR® Forensic TABLETS yet is an affordable option for training expenses.

It will react in the same way as regular BLUESTAR® Forensic TABLETS do, except for DNA analysis.

Note: This “TRAINING” version destroys DNA. Therefore, it is a great product for training crime scene technicians but is definitely not usable for real investigations.

Each pack provides the instructor with the possibility to prepare 4 times 125 ml (4 oz) of BLUESTAR® Forensic working solution or 500 ml (16 oz) at once.

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